Friday, October 2, 2009

My Style Icons!

My number one inspiration for fashion has to definitely be Kim K. I love everything about her but most of all her style. She is always so well put together and very classy with a sexy twist in a sophisticated way. Whenever I go shopping I always keep in mind "what would kim wear". Plus the shoes she's always wearing... OMG!!! to DIE for!!!

Lately Rihanna has definitely been catching my attention with her style. Her look is so bold and crazy! So unique and kinda urban/punk rockish in a feminine type of way. I lOVE IT! she also inspires me in fashion. And what about that hair!? personally I think she really pulls off that hair style and I like it, it's very daring and dangerous... if only I had the balls to chop off all my hair for that exact style, I WOULD!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OMG!! I have boots just like Kim...U made my day...ha ha